모바일 메뉴 닫기



The 14th International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods (ICOSAHOM 2023)
CSE office
게시글 내용


기간: 2023.08.14~2023.08.18

장소: 연세대학교 백양누리 

주최: 연세대학교 수학계산학부(계산과학공학), 4단계 BK21 연세대학교 수리과학 및 계산 교육연구단 외

담당: 박은재 교수 (4단계 BK21 연세대학교 수리과학 및 계산 교육연구단장)

Dear Colleagues, 

The 14th International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods (ICOSAHOM 2023) will be held in Seoul, South Korea, from August 14 (Monday) to August 18 (Friday), 2023. 

The organizers of the ICOSAHOM 2023 invite you to submit a mini-symposium proposal. The deadline for the mini-symposium proposal submission is January 15, 2022. 


If you are interested in organizing a mini-symposium, please submit the proposal with the followings:


Title of the mini-symposium

Abstract of the mini-symposium 

Name and affiliation of the organizers 

List of speakers with their names, affiliation, and tentative titles 

Each session will be two hours long and consists of four talks. For an acceptable level of parallelism in the conference sessions, 

Each mini-symposium session will have four speakers in a two hours block, with a maximum of two sessions per mini-symposium. Also, there is a restriction of 2 talks per participant. 


The mini-symposium proposal should be submitted through the submission system on the official ICOSAHOM 2023 homepage.




If you have any questions, please contact icosahom2023@gmail.com, or any of the local organizers as cced.  

Best regards,
Local organizers of ICOSAHOM 2023

Eun-Jae Park
Jae-Hun Jung
Sehun Chun
