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[학사일정] [2022-1학기 자격시험 관련] 필답시험 응시원서 및 면제 요청서, 외국어성적표 제출 안내
게시글 내용

1) 2022-1학기 필답시험(전공종합시험) 응시원서 및 면제 요청서 제출 안내
CSE 1,2학기(또는 해당자) 학생께서는 아래와 같이 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다.

제출방법: '[별지 5 서식]필답시험(전공종합시험) 응시원서 및 면제 요청서' 작성 및 서명하여 성적증명서와 함께 학과 이메일로 제출(csedept@yonsei.ac.kr)
(다운로드: https://cse.yonsei.ac.kr/cse/notice/forms.do?mode=view&articleNo=106630&article.offset=0&articleLimit=10)
제출마감일: 2022.07.08(금) 오전까지
* 자격시험(필답시험) 일정은 추후 안내 예정

1) Information on submitting applications and exemptions request for 2022-1 semester Written Test (Comprehensive)

CSE Students in the 1st and 2nd semesters (or relevant person) should submit as follows.

How to submit : Fill out and sign "[Attachment 5] Application for the written test (comprehensive test) and exemption request" and submit it to the department's email along with the transcript. (csedept@yonsei.ac.kr)
(Download: https://cse.yonsei.ac.kr/cse/notice/forms.do?mode=view&articleNo=106630&article.offset=0&articleLimit=10)
Deadline for submission: By the morning of July 8, 2022 (Fri.)

* Qualifying examination (written test) schedule will be announced later.

2) 외국어 성적표 제출 안내

제출방법: 외국어 성적표 원본을 학과 사무실로 오프라인 제출 

제출마감일: 2022.07.08(금)오전 까지

2) Information for submitting English transcripts

How to submit : Submit the original English transcript to the CSE office.

Deadline for submission: By the morning of July 8, 2022 (Fri.)

3) 유의사항

휴학 학기에 자격시험 결과입력이 불가하며, 휴학생은 복학 후 복학한 학기의 자격시험 결과 입력 가능

자격시험의 합격처리는 학과내규에 따라 합격 관련 증빙서류를 확인하고 학사포탈  에서 합격 처리

2022-1학기 자격시험(외국어,종합시험)에 합격한 학생은 2022-2학기에 학위논문심사를 위한연구계획서를 제출할 수 있음

2022-1학기 과정변경자[석사->통합통합->통합(중단)]의 기 자격시험의 합격유지 여부는 학과내규에 따라 적용 됨

3) Note

Qualification test results cannot be entered during a leave of absence, and students who are on leave of absence can enter the qualification test results of the semester they returned to school.

The passing process of the qualification test is confirmed by checking the documents related to passing according to the department regulations and passed at the Yonsei Portal.

Students who pass the 2022-1 semester qualification test (foreign language, comprehensive test) can submit a "research plan" for degree thesis review in the 2022-2 semester.

Whether or not to pass the qualification test for 2022-1 semester course changer (Master's degree->Integration, Integration->Integration (Suspension)] is applied according to the department regulations.